Cross Culture Communication



I agree with the author, because English skill isn't good. Also, Japanese don't study harder than other country. I think that Japanese has to study harder than now. However, I don't think that elementary school student must not start study English, because a full-time English teacher is not enough in the elementary school. The English education in the elementary school begins little by little, but it is the present conditions now that the teacher who cannot speak English teaches English. Then I think that there is not a meaning even if I begin English education with the elementary school. I don’t think that early English education is good.

Also, I agree that Japanese doesn't want to stand out like an alien, after all. “Children are reluctant to stand out by speaking better or worse than their peers, so few students are eager to speak up in class.” I think this opinion is correct. Especially, when we feel that oneself isn’t inferior to others, the Japanese we aren’t going to speak. I’m so, too. Japanese has to become more actively than now.

Also, English is very important for us now, I have to study hard and hard. I want Japanese to use English a lot.

1 件のコメント:

2008年4月20日 1:10 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

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